• Workshops

  • Workshops

Parents/Teachers Help your kids become Back Wise, download our posters!

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Older Kids achieve an A+ in being Back Wise poster

Younger Kids achieve an A+ in being Back Wise poster,

Back pain is now the world's leading cause of human disability. We believe prevention should start in school.

The B.A.S.I.C PROJECT is aimed at raising awareness of back pain and its prevention in childhood.

Back care awareness and prevention training at primary school age is essential, especially before the transition to secondary school takes place, as kids carry more loads,increased PC/tablet use,sitting and spinal development increases.

The B.A.S.I.C Project focuses on four specific common health issues in the modern day lifestyle of children; Interactively highlighting the study of the spine and body in relation to the seated/standing posture, carrying school bags, texting/phone use and PC and game station use.

The B.A.S.I.C Project uses practical daily scenarios, discussions and problem solving activities, embedding an 'Eat Well, Grow Well, Be Happy' principle.

Designed for children to learn Backcare skills for life.

This short, fun 'B.A.S.I.C.’ but effective workshop held in schools has been proving to be very successful in Colchester schools and colleges.

Designed for children to learn safe Back care skills for life- KNOWLEDGE

  • Pupils who experience back pain are four times more likely to experience it in adulthood according to research (Croft et al 2001, Jones & Macfarlane 2009).
  • We are all responsible -As Parents and carers what can we do? Be a Back Wise role model to help support your kids learn positive health life-long habits.
  • The B.A.S.I.C PROJECT offers clear,simple, practical solutions that both parents and children can adopt, become enlightened and influence their children.
Excellent health and wellbeing balance UNDERSTANDING

Our workshops enhance the Personal and Social Health Education (PSHE) syllabus in Primary and Secondary schools.

  • The Bacis Project supports Every Child Matters: Change for Children (Dept of Health 2004). Aim for every child to : be healthy, stay safe, enjoy & achieve, make a positive contribution, achieve economic well-being.
  • National Healthy Schools Programme 2006 : 4 themes (PSHE, Emotional Health and wellbeing, Physical Activity and Healthy Eating.
  • Supports community safe and healthy wellbeing promotion.
Creating Confident Healthy Happy Kids

Be Back Wise

Be Active

Eat Well to grow well

Be Happy

Grounded in Science

The B.A.S.I.C Educational programme is supported by anatomy and physiology, ergonomics, good home and school working practices, exercise, and eat well and grow well philosophy.